Employee Handbook
(updated 6/29/2021)
To provide quality, same day sewer & drain cleaning services at affordable prices to our present and future customers.
Knowledgeable service technicians, modern technology, friendly staff and a great Midwestern work ethic help us ensure that we exceed the expectations of our customers, day and night.
After a successful career installing signage across the US, Dean Owen was ready to settle into a job that would give him more time at home with his family. He began working for a local sewer & drain cleaning company, got a few years under his belt and heard about a company closing for retirement.
On Tax Day in 1997, Dean purchased Affordable Drain and started on his journey as a small business owner. Day and night, as customers called about their clogged drains, they were greeted by Dean to help solve their issue.
~~1999 welcomed an additional employee, the company’s first commercial hydro-jetting unit and the first expansion of services to include hydro-jetting, televising and line locating.
~~2008 added a larger all-weather jetting unit, which meant the company could now begin helping agricultural and municipal customers with ultra high-pressure hydro-jetting across Iowa. This brought forth a new name, Affordable Drain - Jet Surge of Iowa.
~~2017 Dean’s daughter began running the office full-time so the team could focus on what they do best; and business grew exponentially.
~~2021 JetSurge posted record profits and expanded our team to 7 employees
Today, we go by JetSurge. We joke it was because Affordable Drain-JetSurge of Iowa was a mouthful. But really, the refresh was a way for us to streamline our processes, expand our team and build a local brand. We can’t wait to roll out more.
JetSurge is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate based on the basis of age, race, color, sexual orientation, religious affiliation or national origin. We also do not discriminate against hiring potential employees based on disabilities, unless they would directly impact the ability to complete the core responsibilities of the position safely and effectively. We hire the best applicants based on qualifications, skills, personality, temperament and ability to work well within our existing organization.
All new hires are subject to a thorough driving record check and background check. Driving record approval is required for any new hire to begin working for JetSurge. Background checks are conducted within the first 30 days of employment. Results of the background check are reviewed by management, and we reserve the right to terminate employment based on any criminal charges management deems unacceptable for employment.
All new hires are placed on a 90-day probation period, in which the employee will complete on-the-job training with senior employees, be released to work independently in their own company vehicle and their skills assessed in a review with management at the end of the period. Any employees that do not adhere to company policies herein, are not progressing within the skills required for their core job responsibilities or are not working well with the existing organization members will be subject to a warning or termination, as deemed appropriate by management.
At times, deemed appropriate by management, JetSurge may employ temporary and part-time employees. Such personnel will not be eligible for company benefits, but may be eligible for the following temporary benefits, as determined by the contract presented to temporary and part-time employees by management:
- Workers Compensation Insurance
- State Benefits
- Federal Benefits
NOTE: Independent Contractors may be hired, as deemed appropriate by management, and are not eligible for any company benefits, including but not limited to those listed above. JetSurge is not obligated to consider any temporary employees, part-time employees, or independent contractors, for permanent positions.
In the event that layoffs become necessary, management will determine the business needs and notify any personnel whose positions may be affected with 1-week notice. Employee(s) will be notified at that time whether the lay-off is planned to be temporary or if the position has been eliminated. Personnel layoffs are solely at the discretion of management.
Employees will be ranked, based on seniority, when determining approval of vacation time-off scheduling. Should the most senior employee waive their right to vacation time-off, the next senior-level employee may choose to take their time off, as approved by management.
It is the policy of JetSurge to ensure that all employees receive fair and equitable treatment. We will provide employees with an easily accessible procedure (below) for exposing dissatisfaction and to facilitate employee-company relations through communications. This policy applies to all employees.
Grievance Procedure:
First, the employees shall take up the matter with an immediate supervisor or manager. Both shall try to work out a satisfactory settlement. Next, in the event a satisfactory settlement is not reached, the employee and his/her supervisor shall come before a meeting with the managers. The managers shall discuss the grievance matter with the employee and supervisor and come to a final decision.
The company requests a two-week notice when an employee intends to resign. Proper notice and completion of the two-weeks hours will ensure any accrued but unused vacation time will be paid out on final check, otherwise, company reserves right to refuse payment of any unused vacation time. Termination pay shall include pay for all work performed through the last hours worked. All company benefits will end on the day of termination. Upon an employee’s voluntary resignation, the company reserves the right to terminate immediately, without paying any severance or unemployment, unless required by law.
The company reserves the right to deduct any legal deductions of costs incurred or non-returned company funds/assets/equipment from the final check. These costs include but are not limited to:
- full replacement cost for theft, loss or damage to company property (including, but not limited to, cell phones, tools, equipment, vehicles, uniforms, supplies, credit cards, electronics, marketing/promo items)
- full reimbursement cost of theft of company payments, funds or receivables (including cash, check, unauthorized credit card transactions, personal credit card transactions, or any other company-owned funds)
- full reimbursement cost of personal/expenses charges to company credit card, cell phones or other company-owned accounts - final balances owed on any company cash advances or loans
Upon resignation or termination of employment, management will work with employee (or former employee) to transition out of employer healthcare plan. The company is not responsible for any further costs after employment is terminated or employee resigns.
JetSurge shall set beginning and top wage scales and share with new hires at first employment meeting. Scales are based on current local wages and wage guidelines offered by competitors in the same type of business, in the local area. The wage for new employees will be based on their past experience and within the guidelines set within wage scales. After probationary period ends, employees will be reviewed and eligible for a possible wage adjustment, as management deems appropriate.
All salaried or hourly employees will be reviewed annually (near their hire date month) for possible eligibility of a wage adjustment. Such adjustments will be based on the profitability of the company as well as employee’s performance duties throughout the previous year. The company is not required, legally or otherwise, to provide regular wage adjustments. JetSurge is a merit-shop company in which employees are encouraged to excel at their job responsibilities as quickly as possible, while ensuring a high level of customer satisfaction and service. The faster one learns and performs, the faster they will be moved up the pay scale, as deemed appropriate by management.
By law, JetSurge is required to honor legal garnishments of employees’ wages, however, it is not the responsibility of the company to notify any company, institution, or entity of an employee’s employment that a garnishment may be owed.
Social Security payments are made by both JetSurge and their employees. Such employee contributions are deducted from their paycheck as stipulated by the Federal Government.
State and Federal law governs unemployment compensations, and JetSurge pays the entire cost of these taxes.
JetSurge pays the premium for Workers’ Compensation Insurance. This insurance pays for the medical expenses when you are injured on the job. It also provides for partial reimbursement of salary or wages lost as a result of work-connected disabilities. It is very important that all on-the-job injuries are reported at the time of accident.
$5.00 for selling a gallon of drain cleaner to a customer (not just delivering an order already placed)
$50.00 for referring necessary jobs for Full Flow Restoration services
$175.00 for referral of large commercial client or property management company (upon approval by management, completion of New Customer Account paperwork, and 3 months of 3 minimum service calls)
JetSurge pays employees an hourly or salary wage, and has a strict no-commission stance. We feel that adopting a commission rate or policy for employees creates an opportunity for employees to recommend services that are not warranted or necessary, just to line their pockets. This does not align with our values to provide customers with exceptional service, and we will not change this policy for any new or existing employee.
It shall be understood by all employees that benefits listed under this section that are not regulated by State or Federal government laws. Management may review financials and employee performance quarterly or annually to determine whether these benefits will be awarded or removed.
After one-year (365 days) of employment, or as deemed appropriate by management prior to one year, employees are eligible for one week (40 hours) of paid vacation time. Management may choose to award additional vacation days as they deem appropriate. Any vacation days accrued shall be used within one-year (365 days) of being awarded, typically on the anniversary date of employment.
- Should an employee need to take a day off before vacation day eligibility begins, they will do so without pay. - An employee will not receive additional time-off due to illness or disability occurring during their vacation. - Pay for hourly or salaried full-time employees will be based on their current rate of pay.
- Vacations scheduled by the management with consideration given to staffing requirements, seniority, and employee performance, in the order listed.
- Whenever possible, employees should use their vacation days. Pay in lieu of vacation will not be granted unless necessary for staffing requirements.
- Employees must provide management at least five (5) business days-notice of extended time off needed (2+ days) and get approval by management.
- Any unused vacation days will not be paid at the time of resignation or termination by employee.
Vacation Allowances (based on years of employment)
+1 year - 5 vacation days (40 hours)
2-3 years - 10 vacation days (80 hours)
4-6 years - 15 vacation days (120 hours)
6 years + - 20 vacation days (160 hours)
After 60 days of employment, or as deemed appropriate by management prior to one year, employees are eligible for health, dental and vision insurance. Management will work with employee to determine health insurance coverage, dental and vision insurance coverage.
- Should an employee choose to opt-out of health, dental, and/or vision insurance coverage, the company is not required to pay them any additional stipends. Employee must sign a waiver of insurance coverage from insurance provider if they opt out.
- With request from employee, management may choose to extend a weekly stipend if employee chooses to obtain their own insurance coverage outside of the company. Proof of coverage must be provided to management, in writing. Coverage stipend paid by the company will only be for coverage for the employee itself, no other family members.
- Upon resignation or termination of employment, management will work with employee (or former employee) to transition out of employer healthcare plan. The company is not responsible for any further costs after employment is terminated or employee resigns.
Health, Dental & Vision Insurance Allowances (based on years of employment):
60 days to 1 year - 50% of premium
2-3 years - 60% of premium
4-6 years - 75% of premium
6 years + - 100% of premium
JetSurge is a 24/7 sewer & drain cleaning company. The expectation is set with all employees that hours are not set as a typical 8 to 5, 40-hour work-week position. Employees may be asked to work early mornings, late nights, weekends, holidays, and any level of overtime hours, as deemed appropriate for business needs and management requests. Employees working in the field will be aware of on-call night and weekend rotations and will be responsible for ensuring that those scheduled times are covered, in the event they cannot work their assigned shift. Management will only assist in finding coverage if an employee is unavailable to find coverage due to severe illness, hospitalization or unexpected family emergency outside of the area. The company may, from time to time, schedule company meetings during or outside of work hours. The purpose of these meetings may be for safety, training, organization, appreciation, etc. All employees are expected to attend.
All employees will complete their timecard in the customer management system by clocking in and out for work. Employees may begin their shift when they leave their home or prior job and travel directly to the next job. Employees may end their shift when they get back home directly after a job, if they are clocking out for lunches or breaks, or if management has asked them to clock out based on business needs. Employees on-call for their assigned night or weekend shifts may clock in and out of the system as necessary to ensure no additional jobs have been assigned to complete.
All timecards should be completed accurately by end of business Wednesdays. Under no conditions shall any employee fill out or complete a time card other than their own. Any delay caused by employee may result in a delay of employee’s paycheck. If management has any questions about the timecard, employees should be prepared to explain any discrepancies. Management completes time cards verifications on Thursdays to submit payroll for payment. Management will provide employees with their paystub by Thursday at 5pm. Any changes that need to be made can be completed prior to 4pm on Thursdays, or will be rectified on the following check.
The company provides lunch periods as defined by the Iowa Labor Code. Employees working in the field will take lunch at their convenience within the scheduled work day. It is up to the employee to ensure they take their allotted break times and lunch times.
Should an employee need a smoke break, the employee is required to clock out, as business needs allow, for any smoke breaks and do so at a location that is not company or customer related. NOTE: Employees are prohibited from smoking cigarettes, cigars, pipes or any other smoking device in company vehicles or on company property.
Employees working in the field will be aware of on-call night and weekend rotations. Verbal calendars are discussed and made up on a continuous rotating schedule when newly trained employees enter the rotation, and when employees leave the company, which all affect the rotation. Employees will be responsible for ensuring that their scheduled on-call shifts are covered, in the event they cannot work their assigned shift. Management will only assist in finding coverage if an employee is unavailable to find coverage due to severe illness, injury, termination of employee, hospitalization, pre-scheduled vacation time, or unexpected family emergency outside of the area.
Employees are responsible for answering all customer calls, scheduling work, and completing work, during their on-call shift. This includes calls, texts, emailed work orders and jobs given to employees by management directly. Should a customer request an appointment time outside of the on-call shift, employees will record the customer name, service request details and contact information, then provide to management. It is best practice to return a customer call within 10 minutes of receiving the call to ensure the customer receives the service requested in a timely manner. Should an employee fail to adhere to these responsibilities, management reserves the right to determine corrective action including a warning, written warning and termination for repeated offenses.
JetSurge is available for customers 24/7, 365 days per year. Employees may be asked to work on-call for holidays on a rotating basis. A new employee shall be notified at least seven (7) days prior to a holiday that they will be asked to be on-call for. It is the responsibility of employees to work together to ensure coverage of holidays. Calls completed on holidays are subject to double-time rates. Employees will be paid a $100 bonus for working on a holiday, plus all applicable hours worked, per their timecard. If holidays fall on weekends, the company may elect to pay salaried and hourly employees at their current rate of pay in lieu of days off.
The holidays we observe are:
- New Year’s Day
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Day
JetSurge management and customers expect a high level of service from employees. This includes being on-time for the scheduled appointment times or windows set by dispatching. Tardiness and absenteeism, including overall unsatisfactory attendance, places an unfair burden upon the company and fellow employees. It is also bad for the company’s reputation with customers.
Employees are expected to report to work on time and on a regular basis. First appointment times on weekdays begin at 9:00am sharp. It is best practice to reach out to management by each weekday morning before 9:00am to coordinate the schedule for the day, especially if no jobs are already on employee’s schedule for that morning.
Employees that arrive late to the first appointment of the day, for any jobs that were on the employee’s schedule the prior business days, will be considered tardy. Employees that accrue 3 tardies will be given a warning. Subsequent tardies may result in termination.
Should an employee need to call out of work for any reason, the company requests as much advanced notice as possible to ensure appropriate coverage. But no later than 60 minutes before your scheduled start time. Any planned appointments for time off during a work day will need to be submitted for approval at least 48 hours in advance. JetSurge is not responsible for or required to make last minute accommodations due late requests.
Should an employee become ill for any reason or with symptoms of any kind of illness during work hours, they may request permission from management to go home for the day. This type of illness (cold, flu, etc) is not considered a company-related injury.
If an employee is absent due to illness for more than 1 business day, the company reserves the right to require a physician’s slip before returning to work. If an employee’s illness becomes prolonged or affects the availability to complete the core job responsibilities, the company reserves the right to discuss alternative options for employment or employee termination, as deemed by management and business needs.
Any employee who fails to give such notifications will be charged with an unexcused absence. If an employee is absent for more than one day without notifying the company, management may determine that the employee has abandoned their job. Management will take all steps possible to contact employee, determine the reason for the unexcused absence and determine when the employee plans to return to work. If an employee accrues more than 2 unexcused absences, or has an unexcused absence lasting longer than 48 hours, the company reserves the right to terminate employment without notice.
A leave of absence without pay will be granted if drafted by the military. Every effort will be made to place the returning employee into their former or equivalent position, depending on the availability of such position. Only in the case of an emergency and with approval of the Management will a leave of absence be granted in cases other than the above mentioned.
A leave of absence, without pay, will be granted for employees subject to jury duty. An employee on jury duty will be expected to work as much of his/her scheduled shift or on-call duty as his/her jury duty permits.
Company vehicles will be used for completing service calls and business related activities. Employees should drive with caution at all times. Safety belts are required to operate company vehicles. Company vehicles will not exceed speed limits. Vehicles shall only be parked at job sites only. Employees will take care to avoid unnecessary damage and wear-and-tear on company vehicles and any damage to private property, including parking only in driveways or designated parking areas, avoid hitting curbs or potholes, etc. Vehicles are expected to be taken care of, including notifying management immediately of any repairs or parts needed, routine maintenance required and any damage, no matter how large or small. If, at any time, you are found to be using vehicle without caution, irresponsibly or unsafely, employees may be subject to immediate termination.
All company vehicles are to be kept neat and clean, inside and outside, at all times. Company-provided credit cards may be used for car washes, vacuuming and cleaning products, however, it is the ultimate responsibility of the individual employee assigned to each company vehicle to ensure its cleanliness. NOTE: Employees are prohibited from smoking cigarettes, cigars, pipes or any other smoking device in company vehicles or on company property.
Each company vehicle is equipped with GPS which tracks the location, speed and safety of all vehicles, at all times. Should a company vehicle be found at a location other than a job site, without prior authorization, during or after work hours, the employee will be asked to clarify the use of the company vehicle at that location. If the use is determined as personal, rules of Personal Use below shall apply.
All company vehicles are equipped with adequate tires and mechanics to function in inclement weather, including snow, ice, rain and the like.
In cold weather, we ask that the employee warm up vehicles for up to 5 minutes before pulling out for a job to ensure the least wear-and-tear on company vehicles. Management will take caution in dispatching calls during inclement weather to ensure safety of employees and company equipment. If an employee feels particularly unsafe driving in inclement weather, they may discuss their concerns with management to determine proper resolution.
Personal use of company vehicles and equipment is strictly prohibited. At no time shall employees be permitted to use a company vehicle for any personal purpose. Absolutely no passengers allowed in company vehicles, unless they are employees of the company. Should any employee be caught transporting a non-employee passenger in a company vehicle by an employee, management or turned in by another individual, management reserves the right to terminate employment immediately.
Company vehicles are not to be pushed or towed, and are not authorized to push or tow, any trailers, vehicles or any other non-company related equipment, unless expressly authorized by management. Should an employee misuse a company vehicle, including damage of any kind, the company reserves the right to terminate employment without notice.
Any repairs completed on company vehicles are to be completed by company-authorized personnel and companies. Employees are required to report any and all mechanical troubles, large and small, to management immediately for remediation. This includes checking oil levels, tires, lighting, batteries, and safety checks often.
All employees will be responsible for up to $1000 damage done to any truck they are driving that was due to their negligence. This is only for damage that cannot by collected from any other source, such as applicable insurance. (For example: Employee is in an accident that is not their fault, as determined by law enforcement, they would not be responsible for damage. Another example: Employee backs into an obstruction that would have been noticed by using proper care and safe driving practices, employee would be liable for damage up to $200).
If any employee has repeated damage, undisclosed damage, or lack of care for company vehicles, they are eligible for termination, as deemed appropriate by management. In addition, the liability damage costs may be deducted from their final paycheck, as deemed appropriate by management.
Citations and tickets received by employees in, or while operating, company vehicles, are the sole responsibility of the employee operating the vehicle at the time of the ticket. The company does not pay parking or traffic violations. All employees are equipped with credit cards to pay appropriate parking and avoid towing. Should an employee get a ticket for any reason in a company vehicle, they shall notify management immediately. When a citation is received, management will pay the ticket on the employee’s behalf, with the amount deducted from the following paycheck. Should an employee receive multiple parking or traffic violations, or compound offenses for the same unsafe driving incident, they will be subject to termination.
Company phones, and in some cases tablets, are provided for company use only. Any personal calls, texts or emails sent or received from company phones is strictly prohibited. Management may conduct random checks of company-provided devices. If any non-work related communication, apps, purchases or use is found, the employee is subject to termination, as deemed appropriate by management. It is also strictly prohibited to conduct any personal communication during work hours or on job-sites, whether from company-provided devices or personal devices.
Employees are responsible for ensuring they are prepared for work each day. When an employee is trained enough to be given their own company vehicle, management will work with the employee to ensure the vehicle is properly stocked. Once this occurs, the employee assumes sole responsibility of the contents of their assigned vehicle.
These responsibilities include ensuring:
- All tools, equipment, machinery, parts, materials, hand tools and cleaning supplies are present - All tools, equipment, machinery, parts, materials, hand tools and cleaning supplies are clean
- All tools, equipment, machinery, parts, materials, hand tools and cleaning supplies are in good, working condition - One extra cable per machine is stocked and ready for use
- Machine bearings and wheels are greased and ready for use
Any tools, equipment, machinery, parts, materials or hand tools that are lost, damaged, worn out or stolen should be discussed with management immediately to be replaced. Any tools lost or damaged due to employee negligence, as deemed by management, may be deducted from an employee’s paycheck.
Management may conduct random checks of company vehicles to ensure compliance. Any discrepancies not already discussed with management will be noted in the employee file and corrective action may be taken for repeatedly coming to work unprepared, not ensuring company vehicle is properly stocked, or repeated misuse, loss or damage of company equipment.
JetSurge has been in business for nearly 25 years. During that time, we have built strong relationships with customers, both residential and commercial. These customers are the lifeblood of our business. As such, employees are entrusted with this company information and should keep it private and confidential. This includes customer lists, price lists, service standards, company practices, trade secrets, marketing materials, etc. Any employee that is accused of sharing company information outside of employees will be required to meet with management to discuss the situation and determine if corrective action is needed to ensure the protection of the company. As deemed appropriate by management, an employee may be terminated for failing to keep company information confidential. Legal prosecution may be warranted in some instances.
The practice of moonlighting affects companies in myriad ways. The company loses out on revenue for valid work completed, company reputation may be tarnished if the employee who is doing the moonlighting does a poor job, and company property is affected if used during the process of moonlighting. Therefore, Jetsurge does not allow moonlighting by full-time employees. Express written permission may be requested of management, by Temporary or Part-Time employees, so long as no company property, customers, materials, parts or company name are used.
Should an employee take an outside job without management approval, the employee may be subject to termination. The company will not pay any medical benefits, worker’s compensation benefits or any other company employee benefits resulting from moonlighting or outside employment.
All employees are subject to strict adherence to the Non-Compete agreement provided by management and signed along with New Employee Forms Packet.
New employees will be extensively trained by management, both in-person and on-site during the probationary period. During that time, employees will be responsible for taking notes, learning the company’s standards of work, best practices, trade secrets and taking in the training provided to have a solid knowledge based for completing service calls safely and effectively for JetSurge’s customers.
Once employees begin working independently in the field, we ask that they follow some of these basic rules:
Any property damage or injury done to persons while working at a customer’s property must be reported to management immediately. Failure to notify management immediately may result in corrective action, up to termination, as deemed appropriate by management.
Employees are responsible to ensure they are prepared for work with everything needed to complete the core responsibilities of their job. Employees are never to ask a customer for anything needed to complete their work. All trucks should be stocked with all necessary equipment, supplies, materials and any other items needed to complete their core job functions on a daily basis. Even if this means the employee needs to make a trip to the shop ahead of their work day to get prepared. There is no excuse for being unprepared to a job site.
- Employees will have cleaning supplies ready for any accidental messes made and will take care to clean them thoroughly before leaving the job site. Clean up thoroughly on each job before leaving. Perform your work as neatly as possible on the job. Set machines so that it does not splatter on the building or set up a shield for protection, if necessary.
- Employees are to take care in moving any and all equipment, machinery and tools in and out of customer job sites.
- Employees will wear proper foot coverings to ensure no messes are tracked in or out of a customer’s job site
- Do not move, remove or damage any customer property, at any time. If any customer property needs to be moved or removed to avoid damage, employee will notify customer and have the customer take the steps to clear the work area for employee’s work to be completed. It is not the responsibility of the company to make a clear work area.
- Never drag company equipment or machines over areas or surfaces that may be easily damaged or broken, including bricks, flagstone, steps, painted surfaces, etc.
- Any service call dispatched for cleaning will be cleared thoroughly and to the fullest extent possible by machinery lengths or line lengths.
- Drainage and plumbing fixtures should be checked after cleaning to ensure they are properly flowing and free of damage - All openings made in pipes shall be sealed properly
- lines thoroughly and all the way through when at all possible. Also, check out all drainage and plumbing fixtures after cleaning the sewer line.
- An employee should never make decisions or diagnose problems by guessing. JetSurge employees should be as sure and accurate as possible when diagnosing issues and completing service calls.
Visitors, personal calls and personal matters should be left for your time off-the-clock. Employees that bring personal matters to work in the form of personal calls, visitors or other personal matters, can affect the business negatively in many ways. Bringing personal matters to work often results in making unnecessary mistakes, negligence, and un-justified costs to company time and money while the matters are dealt with. For that reason, we as that employees refrain from the following:
- Placing or receiving personal communication (including calls, texts, emails, social media communication, etc) is not allowed while on a job site, during work hours. This includes on company-provided devices or personal devices.
- Visits from personal friends, family or any other person not expressly related to the service call (employee or customer)
- Employees are responsible to explain the issue to the customer thoroughly, to the best of your knowledge and their understanding, as to what is causing the issue and what is required to fix the issue. Should a customer have additional
questions or ask for additional clarification outside of what employee has provided, employee should notify management immediately to assist.
- Customers should be notified immediately upon completion of the job if any additional measures or steps will need to be taken, including, but not limited to: plumbing issues that require plumber, septic tank that needs pumped, parts or equipment that need replaced, recommendations for future service
- Employee will state clearly, accurately and thoroughly what caused the issue. This includes detailing the type of call
Often times, employees complete their work independently, without other employees present. For this reason, keeping detailed notes and records of service calls is imperative to maintaining proper company financials, customer records and upholding high customer service standards. JetSurge provides cutting-edge technology for keeping these records, including a digital customer database, mobile credit card processing services, digital email services and the latest technologies of cellular phones and tablets.
We ask that employees use this equipment to help us uphold our record-keeping by:
- Create a customer profile with the customer name, contact information and any relevant details to the customer or location
- Create a work order for the service call requested
- Thoroughly note, in the work order, the reason for a customer’s call, including details on the issue they are having, who will be available to meet an employee on-site to complete the work, and any other details relevant to the work being completed
- Detail the findings of the job after the work is completed. This would include any specific location identifiers for invoicing (building and unit numbers, etc), who was present, what the issue was, how the issue was resolved, and any other details shared with the customer on-site about the service call
- Detail any additional measures or steps will need to be taken, including, but not limited to: plumbing issues that require plumber, septic tank that needs pumped, parts or equipment that need replaced, pipe condition (such as such as : rough spots, broken joints, flat lines, leaking lines, etc.). recommendations for future service.
- Build an invoice in the customer database using the pre-populated service price list.
- Receive payment from customer for the service completed. We accept cash, check, credit card. - For customers that request a copy of a receipt, they will provide an emailed receipt to the address the customer provides (we do not mail invoices or receipts, and we do not offer paper invoices or receipts)
Should an employee have any issues with any of the above rules, at any time, they will contact management immediately to assist.
JetSurge respects the individuality and diversity in our employees. We also value cleanliness and a presentable image of our company to our customers. The company expects each employee to uphold these values by doing the following:
- Wear company-provided apparel for any and all service calls. Shirts shall not be removed at any time, including removing a layer on hotter days.
- Wear proper footwear that is comfortable and safe for service calls. Sandals and tennis shoes are not permitted. Rubber boots are only allowed in rainy weather conditions or specific water-related service calls. Steel-toed boots are the best possible footwear for service technicians.
- Wear pants that are clean, in good condition with no holes, rips or tears.
- Wear shorts only as approved by management, only during Summer months when temperatures are 75 degrees or more
- Refrain from wearing any apparel with suggestive patches or logos
- Refrain from wearing any garments that do not cover the body, including briefs, cut-shirt sleeves - Refrain from wearing any hats or caps that are not company-provided
- Keep facial hair at a minimum, with the facial hair being clean, neat and tidy (no bushy beards) - Keeping hands and face clean
- Keep an extra set of company-approved clothes and shoes/boots in company vehicle in case of accidents or messes - Ensuring no offensive body odor
Should an employee need assistance with obtaining company-approved apparel, they may discuss needs with management for a resolution. Each full-time employee will be provided with 2 company-approved shirts within the first 90 days, with additional shirts available throughout their employment, as needed. Other company-provided apparel, including coats, hats, sweatshirts, hoodies, work pants, shoes, rubber boots, etc may be provided as management deems appropriate. Management should be notified if any company-provided products are worn out and need replacement.
Due to the nature of the work completed by JetSurge, all employees are expected to complete their job functions with care, in a safe and orderly manner, at all times. The company and all employees will abide by state and local safety laws. Any unsafe condition or equipment must be reported to management immediately. The company will furnish all safety equipment necessary to perform work safely, including by not limited to, work gloves, tools, safety equipment, first aid kits. Should an employee enter a job site that requires a hard hat, the employee shall notify management immediately and ensure that a hard hat is available for use.
- Employees are required to adhere to COVID-19 Protocols
- Employees should ensure that the customer, or an agent of the customer, is present at all times. We are not responsible for gaining access to commercial properties without a customer or agent of employee on-site. This is for our safety and assurance.
- Never, in any event, shall an employee let anyone, outside of fellow company employees, operate or assist in operating any equipment or tools needed for a job. This includes moving any machines in or out of a job site. If an employee needs assistance, they are to notify management immediately for assistance to be dispatched.
- Employees should notify customers to keep all children and pets away from the work area, at all times, for their protection.
- Never go on a customer’s roof to clean lines from vents. If an employee determines the roof vents are the only way to clear a drain, the employee should notify management immediately to dispatch assistance. Any employees that access roof for cleaning shall do so with at least 2 employees on-site, using company provided ladders, obtaining permission from customer and taking all proper safety precautions to ensure compliance with safety laws.
- Any job sites that require additional safety, such as caution tape or barricades shall be installed by employees, with materials provided by the company using existing inventory or newly purchased materials with company-provided credit card.
Employee safety is our highest priority. The company insures employees against accidental injuries under the Workers Compensation Act of the State of Iowa. In the case of any injury, regardless of the nature or severity, employee must notify management immediately. The company may refer the employee to the Insurance Company’s physician to determine next steps. Worker’s Compensation rules require the company receive a physician’s slip of release from the employee for any lost-time injuries.
Any employee who fails to report an injury immediately, regardless of whether during regular business hours or during their on-call shift, will be subject to disciplinary action. This is to ensure the safety and security of employees of the company. Should an employee become ill during work hours, they may request permission from management to go home for the day. This type of illness (cold, flu, etc) is not considered a company-related injury.
All employees are prohibited from smoking and vaping on company property, including shop, office, and inside company vehicles. Employees are also prohibited from smoking and vaping in or near customer and job site locations. It is not a professional look and is a waste of company and customer time. Should an employee need a smoke break, the employee is required to clock out, as business needs allow, for any smoke breaks and do so at a location that is not company or customer related. It is best practice to always put cigarettes, cigars, and ashes in proper receptacles, never on the ground, in trash barrels or any unsafe place.
JetSurge intends to help provide a safe and drug-free work environment for our customers and employees. With this goal in mind and because of the serious drug abuse problem in today's workplace, we are establishing the following policy for existing and future employees.
● The use, possession, solicitation for, or sale of narcotics or other illegal drugs, alcohol, or prescription medication without a prescription on Company or customer premises or while performing an assignment.
● Being impaired or under the influence of legal or illegal drugs or alcohol away from the Company or customer premises, if such impairment or influence adversely affects the employee's work performance, the safety of the employee or of others, or puts at risk the Company's reputation.
● Possession, use, solicitation for, or sale of legal or illegal drugs or alcohol away from the Company or customer premises, if such activity or involvement adversely affects the employee's work performance, the safety of the employee or of others, or puts at risk the Company's reputation.
● The presence of any detectable amount of prohibited substances in the employee's system while at work, while on the premises of the company or its customers, or while on company business.
"Prohibited substances" include illegal drugs, alcohol, or prescription drugs not taken in accordance with a prescription given to the employee.
Management reserves the right to conduct random drug testing. If employees are found to be in violation of these rules, they may be terminated effective immediately.
To ensure that JetSurge maintains a workplace safe and free of violence for all employees, the company prohibits the possession or use of dangerous weapons on company property. All employees are subject to this provision, including contract workers and temporary employees as well as visitors and customers on company property. A license to carry the weapon on company property does not supersede company policy. Any employee in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
“Company property” is defined as all company-owned or leased buildings and surrounding areas such as sidewalks, walkways, driveways and parking lots under the company’s ownership or control, and any buildings that company business is conducted (i.e. management’s home or home office). This policy applies to all company-owned or leased vehicles and all vehicles that come onto company property.
“Dangerous weapons” include firearms, explosives, knives and other weapons that might be considered dangerous or that could cause harm. Employees are responsible for making sure that any item possessed by the employee is not prohibited by this policy.
JetSurge reserves the right at any time and at its discretion to search all company-owned or leased vehicles and all vehicles, plus packages, containers, enclosures and persons entering its property, for the purpose of determining whether any weapon is being, or has been, brought onto its property or premises in violation of this policy. Employees who fail or refuse to promptly permit a search under this policy will be subject to discipline up to and including termination.
Our sexual harassment policy aims to protect men and women in our company from unwanted sexual advances and give them guidelines to report incidents. We will also explain how we handle claims, punish sexual harassment and help victims recover.
We won’t tolerate sexual harassment in our workplace in any shape or form. Our culture is based on mutual respect and collaboration. Sexual harassment is a serious violation of those principles.
This policy applies to every person in our company regardless of gender, sexual orientation, level, function, seniority, status or other protected characteristics. We are all obliged to comply with this policy.
Also, we won’t tolerate sexual harassment from inside or outside of the company. Employees, investors, contractors, customers and everyone interacting with our company are covered by the present policy. For further details about how we deal with harassment from the outside of our company, please refer to our third party harassment policy.
What is sexual harassment?
Sexual harassment has many forms of variable seriousness. A person sexually harasses someone when they:
Insinuate, propose or demand sexual favors of any kind.
Invade another person’s personal space (e.g. inappropriate touching.)
Stalk, intimidate, coerce or threaten another person to get them to engage in sexual acts.
Send or display sexually explicit objects or messages.
Comment on someone’s looks, dress, sexuality or gender in a derogatory or objectifying manner or a manner that makes them uncomfortable.
Make obscene comments, jokes or gestures that humiliate or offend someone.
Pursue or flirt with another person persistently without the other person’s willing participation. Also, flirting with someone at an inappropriate time (e.g. in a team meeting) is considered sexual harassment, even when these advances would have been welcome in a different setting. This is because such actions can harm a person’s professional reputation and expose them to further harassment.
The most extreme form of sexual harassment is sexual assault. This is a serious crime and our company will support employees who want to press charges against offenders.
No one has the right to sexually harass our employees. Any person in our company who is found guilty of serious harassment will be terminated, whether they are VPs or assistants. Also, if representatives of our contractors or vendors sexually harass our employees, we will demand that the company they work for takes disciplinary action and/or refuse to work with this person in the future.
Sexual harassment is never too minor to be dealt with. Any kind of harassment can wear down employees and create a hostile workplace. We will hear every claim and punish offenders appropriately.
Sexual harassment is about how we make others feel. Many do not consider behaviors like flirting or sexual comments to be sexual harassment, thinking they are too innocent to be labeled that way. But, if something you do makes your colleagues uncomfortable, or makes them feel unsafe, you must stop.
We assume every sexual harassment claim is legitimate unless proven otherwise. We listen to victims of sexual harassment and always conduct our investigations properly. Occasional false reports do not undermine this principle.
We will not allow further victimization of harassed employees. We will fully support employees who were sexually harassed and will not take any adverse action against them. For example, we will not move them to positions with worse pay or benefits or allow others to retaliate against them.
Those who support or overlook sexual harassment are as much at fault as offenders. Managers and HR especially are obliged to prevent sexual harassment and act when they have suspicions or receive reports. Letting this behavior go on or encouraging it will bring about disciplinary action. Anyone who witnesses an incident of sexual harassment or has other kinds of proof should report to HR.
If you are being sexually harassed (or suspect another person is being harassed), please report it to [HR manager, HR generalist or your manager.] In serious cases like sexual assault, please call the police and inform HR that you plan to press charges. We acknowledge it’s often hard to come forward about these issues, but we need your help to build a fair and safe workplace for you and your colleagues.
If you want to report sexual harassment within our company, there are two options:
Ask for an urgent meeting with your [HR manager or HR generalist or supervisor.] Once in the meeting, explain the situation in as much detail as possible. If you have any hard evidence (e.g. emails), forward it or bring it with you to the meeting.
Send your complaint via email. If you address it to your supervisor, please cc HR to the email and attach any evidence or information that can be used in the investigation. HR and your supervisor will discuss the issue and contact you as soon as possible.
If you report assault to the police, our company will provide any possible support until the matter is resolved. In any case, we will ensure you are not victimized and that you have access to relevant evidence admissible in court, like security video footage or emails (without revealing confidential information about other employees.)
Sometimes, people who harass others do not realize that their behavior is wrong. We understand this is possible, but that doesn’t make the perpetrator any less responsible for their actions.
If you suspect that someone doesn’t realize their behavior is sexual harassment under the definition of this policy, let them know and ask them to stop. Do so preferably via email so you can have records. Please do not use this approach when:
Your manager, an upper manager, investor or customer is the perpetrator.
Sexual harassment goes beyond the boundaries of off-hand comments, flirting or jokes.
In the above cases, report to HR as soon as possible.
Employees who are found guilty of sexual assault will be terminated after the first complaint and investigation.
Employees who are found guilty of sexual harassment (but not assault) the first time may:
Be reprimanded and fined.
Get a “below expectations” performance review.
See expected promotions and/or salary increases freeze for [a year.]
We may also transfer harassers or take other appropriate action to protect their victims. We will terminate repeat offenders after the second claim against them if our investigation concludes they are indeed guilty.
We apply these disciplinary actions uniformly. Employees of any sexual orientation or other protected characteristics will be penalized the same way for the same offenses.
First and foremost, HR and managers should try to prevent sexual harassment by building a culture of respect and trust. But, when sexual harassment occurs and an employee makes a complaint, both HR and managers must act immediately.
Managers should talk to HR and explain our company’s procedures to their team member who made the complaint.
When HR receives a complaint that an employee harasses another employee, they will:
Ask for as many details and information as possible from the person or people making the complaint.
Keep copies of the report with dates, times and details of incidents and any possible evidence in a confidential file (separate from the personnel file.) HR should update this file with all future actions and conversations regarding this complaint.
Launch an investigation. If the matter is complex, the HR person can defer to a more senior manager.
Check if there have been similar reports on the same person. If there are, HR should contact the perpetrator’s manager to let them know that their team member may get fired when the investigation is over.
Inform the harassed employees of our company’s procedures and their options to take legal action if appropriate.
Take into account the wishes of the harassed employee. Some might want the matter to be resolved informally and discreetly, while others might expect more radical actions (e.g. transferring the perpetrator.) HR should consider the circumstances and decide on appropriate action.
Contact the harasser and set up a meeting to explain the complaint and explicitly ask for this behavior to stop, or,
Arrange for mediation sessions with the two employees (harasser and perpetrator) to resolve the issue, if the harassed employee agrees or,
Launch a disciplinary process depending on the severity of the harassment. In cases of sexual assault or coercing someone to sexual favors under threats, we will terminate the harasser immediately. We will terminate employees who are found guilty in a court of law of sexually assaulting another employee, even if HR has not conducted its own investigation.
HR or managers must not, under any circumstances, blame the victim, conceal a report or discourage employees from reporting sexual harassment. If HR or a manager behaves that way, please send an email to their own manager or a senior HR leader explaining the situation.
We welcome any feedback or complaints about our procedures and how our employees handled each case.
Apart from investigating claims and punishing perpetrators, we want to support the victims of sexual harassment. If you experience trauma, stress or other symptoms because of harassment, consider:
[Taking a few days of sick leave to restore your mental health.]
[Asking your insurance provider whether they cover mental health services.]
[Talking to our EAP (Employee Assistance Program) Officer to evaluate options.]
[Speaking to our designated counselors.]
Your job and benefits will not be jeopardized or altered if you choose any of those options or other means to recovery.
Sexual harassment can exhaust those who endure it. Speaking up about this issue is often tough for fear of not being heard, upsetting managers and challenging corporate culture.
Please don’t let these fears deter you. Our company will do everything possible to stop sexual harassment and any other kind of harassment from happening, while supporting harassed employees. We need to know what’s going on so we can act on it. And by raising your voice on this issue, you help our company create a happy workplace and thrive.
JetSurge has a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for putting the safety, health and wellbeing of employees, their families, customers, and the community at-large. JetSurge has provided all employees with sanitizing cleaner, hand sanitizer and masks to keep our team safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, all staff members have been equipped with a credit card that they have been instructed to use for purchases related to their work duties, which includes purchasing any additional cleaning agents, sanitizers, masks or other supplies that may be needed. We expect team members to wear a mask to every single job, without exception or incident, and that team members take all necessary precautions to clean and sanitize work areas before and after each job.
All JetSurge team members understand the duty and responsibility to wear a mask at every single job with no exception. JetSurge has provided all employees with masks, inventoried at the shop. It is an employee’s responsibility to ensure they are equipped with a mask for every job. They understand if they need to purchase a one-time-use mask from a retailer for any reason, they may use the company provided credit card. Any team member that notices low supply inventory is required to notify management immediately so replenishments can be restocked.
All JetSurge team members understand the duty and responsibility to take all necessary precautions to clean and sanitize work areas before and after each job. JetSurge has provided all employees with cleaning supplies, inventoried at the shop. It is an employee’s responsibility to ensure they are equipped with these supplies for every job. They understand if they need to purchase a one-time-use supply from a retailer for any reason, they may use the company provided credit card. Any team member that notices low supply inventory is required to notify management immediately so replenishments can be restocked.
As deemed appropriate by management, team members may be required to disclose their temperature daily and report it to management for logging. Employees are provided with a thermometer for this purpose.
All JetSurge team members understand the duty and responsibility to report any potential or confirmed positive exposure immediately to management. All team members exposed to a potential positive or a confirmed positive individual with COVID-19 are required to schedule a COVID-19 test to confirm my status. JetSurge will assist me in coordinating a test and will handle any costs related to testing. Employees understand and accept that only if and when my results come back negative will they be allowed to resume work-related duties.
Any team member that falsifies their temperature, withholds reporting of any potential or confirmed positive exposure, or falsifies any other facet of COVID-19 exposure or illness, they will be immediately terminated.
Some offenses are worse than others. As mentioned throughout the sections above, JetSurge management may deem corrective or disciplinary action appropriate in many cases. Below are some of the immediately enforceable offenses that management will take immediate action to correct, up to, and including, termination. Management reserves the right to add or remove items to this list at any time, as issues may arise, to protect the company, its employees, customers, and vendors.
- Intentional or negligent acts of assault, or other harm that affects the safety, health, well-being of company, customers, vendors or employees
- Failure to report injury, illness or accident, especially those in which could affect the health, safety and well-being of company, customers, vendors or employees
- Theft of property from company, customers, vendors or employees
- Reporting to work under the influence of alcohol or drugs
- Falsifying company records or time cards
- Removal of company records or release of confidential information
- Possession of illegal weapons or firearms on company premises or in company property
- Intentionally misusing or damaging company property, customer property, or other employees’ property
- Threatening bodily harm or intimidating other employees or supervisors or customers
- Deliberately restricting output, including working slowly or repeatedly showing up late to jobs
- Deliberately failing to turn in company tickets, completing jobs in company records or otherwise not reporting service calls or income to company
- Theft of company income, including receivables. In addition to termination, legal action will be taken to recoup the losses and employee shall pay all court costs associated with the legal proceedings.
- Inability or unwillingness to work harmoniously with other employees
- Disregard of safety rules and procedures
- Using company vehicles, equipment or devices for personal use
- Driving company vehicles or using company equipment irresponsibly, unsafely or without caution
- Violation of COVID-19 Protocols
- Violation of Sexual Harassment Policy
FIRST OFFENSE: WRITTEN WARNING, Second Offense: Termination
- Drinking alcoholic beverages on company premises
- Intentionally filling out another employee’s time card or having one’s own card filled out by another employee - Failing to answer company phones, or return customer calls, in a timely manner of 10 minutes or less - Failing to ensure voicemails are returned
- Repeated disregard for customers’ property, including loss or damage
- Repeated disregard for company’s property, including loss or damage
- Failure to report injury, illness or accident
- Fighting or attempting to provoke a fight on company premised
- Unexcused absence
- Failure to follow specific job instructions
- Unauthorized moonlighting
- Insubordination of management orders
- Gambling on company property
- Unauthorized soliciting of contributions on company premises or of company customers
- Stretching breaks, lunch periods, or otherwise wasting time
- Offering customers discounts for scheduling service during weekdays (often used as work avoidance) - Transporting non-employees in company service trucks (including family members, including children, friends, etc.)
- Failure to maintain high standards of work as in getting customers’ complaints or too many recalls
- Failure to observe traffic or parking rules on company property, public streets and/or freeways
- Distributing printed matter on company premises without permission